*This post is not to be considered medical advice. I am not a medical professional.*
So your due date is coming up or has already passed. You may be driving yourself crazy with the anxiety of “when?”. While no one can truly answer that question, I am here to help.
Due dates are estimates.
Even if you can pinpoint the exact moment conception occurred, we still don’t know how long your baby needs to fully develop. Every baby is different, and so is every mother. So is our diets and the way we absorb nutrients. So is our placentas and the way the cords transfer nutrients to baby. There are so many different factors to how much time a baby needs to stay in utero. Some babies are born perfectly fine at 36 weeks! Some may want to stay in there past 42 weeks! It all varies. And I know, this doesn’t change your situation much.
Avoid unnecessary induction.
Please trust me on this! Avoid induction at all cost! of course unless there is a TRUE reason for it. Not “suspected big baby”, not “low fluids”*, not “aging placenta”*, not “because your back hurts”*, and ESPECIALLY not because of the schedule! Yes, Some providers will convince you that you need an induction on a certain day all because they want that baby born before their days off or before their planned vacation. They want that $money, honey! You want an actual reasonable reason for this induction if you’re going to do it. Not one that may be easily remedied or is a complete guess/fabrication from the start.
*Big Baby: This is often discovered in late third trimester ultrasounds. Listen ladies, we shouldn’t be having all of these ultrasounds without a true reason anyway. There is way more to ultrasound than taking pictures of baby. That ultrasound is basically a microwave. It carries risks and is used far less in other developed countries. Typically a doctor will suggest a third trimester ultrasound to dig for an excuse to induce. (i.e. big baby, low fluid, etc.) It happens all the time! So your best bet is to simply say “no thank you!” to those ultrasounds. They also call them “BPP’s” or “Bio Physical Profiles” at the end of a pregnancy, so beware of that. BPP’s are usually performed following an “NST” (Non-Stress Test) so take note of what they prescribe!
Speaking of Non-Stress Tests, these are what I consider double-edged swords. On one hand it may be used to your advantage to prove that you and your baby are perfectly healthy. However the only way this works is if you know your stuff. Learning how to understand the monitors being used is key to advocating for yourself during an NST. (Contact me to schedule a virtual 20-30 min clarity call or a virtual childbirth class!)
And on the other hand, it may be very difficult to escape the sticky situation they may be planning to put you in. Oftentimes its during these NST’s where they may see one variable that gives them the permission to push induction. This usually happens after you’ve been there for hours, without food, without drinks, unbeknownst to you you’re now dehydrated and getting cranky. They make one suggestion that something could “possibly be wrong” and now your partner gets worried. Now you’re not only dehydrated, hangry, and frustrated, but now your emotions are also being pulled. You dont want to upset your partner and you couldn’t live with yourself if something truly was wring and you ignored it, right?
See what mess you’re in now? Yikes!
But don’t you want to meet your baby? Aren’t you tired of being pregnant? You’re already here. Why not?
That’s the pressure that comes with NST’s. This is also why you should hire a doula. She can go with you!
*Low Fluid: It is normal to have less fluid at the end of pregnancy. Your baby is now full grown and is recycling that fluid by swallowing it and peeing it out, repeatedly. (I know, sounds weird) There are two ways to measure fluid. AFI: they take pictures of 4 quadrants and add up the shown fluid volume. With AFI you want 5 (centimeters) or higher. The other way to measure is SVDP. SVDP (single deepest vertical pocket) is where they find the deepest vertical pocket of fluid to measure. If that deepest vertical pocket is 2cm or more, it’s all good. So if you’re being told your fluid is a 3. You need to ask if that is your AFI or deepest pocket. Then, if its your AFI, you can have the discussion about trying to remedy the low fluid. Firstly, how is baby? Great movement? Heartbeat within normal range? Be sure you’re not finding this out while starving and dehydrated! Eating will help with babies movements and help prevent maternal exhaustion. Drinking will help hydrate you and also replenish your amniotic fluid levels!
So if your AFV (Amniotic Fluid Volume) truly is low, lets explore why! Are you leaking fluid? there is a simple swab test to determine if you are leaking amniotic fluid. The actual swabs are called Amnicators. The tips are yellowish at first but when they are swabbed against fluid it will change colors. A yellow/orange result indicates urine or natural vaginal fluid. Green to blue results indicate amniotic fluid. You can order these swabs online or you can use ph strip tests.
If your result is blue/green (6.0+) it means it’s amniotic fluid, and that explains why your AFV is low. This also means your labor will most likely begin within hours to days from now! Don’t panic if your water is leaking. This is STILL not a reason to induce! As long as baby is healthy, and as long as you stay hydrated and healthy without a fever, you are fine to go home and wait for labor!
Now if you’re not leaking fluid. Are you hydrated? A simple urinalysis can answer this for sure. I recommend Urinox Strips for everyone. This is the brand I like: https://a.co/d/9UxYHWy Your Specific Gravity result will indicate whether or not you are well hydrated or not. (These strips can also identify between urine and amniotic fluid with the pH result.)
Not dehydrated and fluid is truly low after all of that investigating? Well there really *could* be an issue with baby. But you still deserve respectful care, and a second opinion if you desire one.
*Aging Placenta: This is a scam. If you’re over 35 you’re stamped with the label “high-risk” just for your age alone. You can be the healthiest 38 year old you know and still will be labeled “high-risk”. You’re not broken. Nothing is wrong with you, and it’s unfair they do this. They try to trick us with numbers.
You see the thing is, the risk of stillbirth begins to rise at a certain point of pregnancy. The risk of stillbirth just about doubles every 2 weeks, but keep in mind these rates are severely low already! Check out what Evidence Based Birth shows:

As you can see, your risk is very low. And like I mentioned before as long as you are feeling your baby move and you are feeling well, you’re good!
Only you can make these choices for you and your baby. Please arm yourself with knowledge and understanding of physiologic birth and also the maternity care system if they’re involved.
Another reason why a provider may feel inclined to pressure you into induction is because their medical license demands it. They are not supposed to have a pregnancy pass 42 weeks. But ultimately they legally cannot force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with! After all, remember, due dates are estimates!
What you can do to help bring on or progress labor:
Check out my playlist for various exercises and techniques: Past Due Date YouTube Playlist
:::to be continued::::