I have relocated to Northern Florida. I am currently only offering hybrid support for Southern New Jersey families, and will consider in-person support for Northern FL & Southern Georgia as well.
Important Disclaimer* Any information or suggestion given by Jill Burke and/or associates is not to be taken as medical advice. While emergencies are rare, they can happen no matter where you choose to give birth. Birthing at home without a trained medical professional carries risks such as: physical injury to mother or baby, hemorrhage, stillbirth, and death. This is a reality everyone must understand and accept. “Wild Pregnancy”, “Freebirth”, “DIY Pregnancy/Birth, “Unassisted Birth”, or “Birthing outside of the Medical System” means you are taking full responsibility for your intuition, decisions, and the outcomes for you and your baby. Clients are responsible for their own prenatal care choices. You have the right to change your mind at any time to obtain or relinquish professional medical care or assistance. Families opting-out of professional medical prenatal care shall take full responsibility for their health and baby’s health and understand the following risks: Missed or undiagnosed genetic mutation, defects, disabilities, amniotic fluid issues, placental complications, preeclampsia, bleeding, miscarriage/loss, or other. This is information I expect you to fully comprehend prior to hiring. If you have any doubt or need clarification, please contact me to discuss further. New Jersey and Florida practice will be known and referred to as “Doula Care”.
Hybrid “DIY” Pregnancy/Birth Support Package: $2800+
- Free Virtual Consultation.
- Discuss all of your options and manifest your dream birth.
- Educational Guidance and access to lending libraries of birth books and other useful resources.
- 24/7 support via text/dm/email
- Homework & support for partners.
- Hybrid prenatal visits. (I can plan 2 NJ weekend trips, otherwise the rest will be virtual)
- DIY prenatal care support. (lab testing, ultrasounds, standard prenatal visits, and more!)
- Group sessions. (When available)
- Hybrid labor & birth assistance. (Can plan for a NJ visit [+$800], however making it to the birth is not guaranteed. You must feel comfortable with the idea of birthing without me physically there. If so, I will be available for virtual support.)
Everything But The Birth Package: $650+
- Free Virtual Consultation.
- Discuss all of your options and manifest your dream birth.
- Access to lending libraries of birth books and other useful resources.
- 24/7 support via text/dm/email
- Virtual prenatal visits.
- Group sessions. (When available)
- Virtual labor & birth assistance.
Everything but the Birth Package add-ons:
- Post-birth Mom+Baby wellness check-in. (NJ+$800, FL/GA+$200)
- All the herbs. (Third trimester teas, Sitz Bath, Postpartum/Lactation tea, Lotus Birth Blend. (+$60)
- Placenta Encapsulation (+$200)
I do not:
- Consider myself a medical professional. You shouldn’t either! Birth is not a medical event.
- Perform anything that would be considered medical or unnecessary. You’re in control. I will make suggestions and offer solutions, but it will be solely up to you to decide whether or not that’s the course of action you’d like to take.
- Administer medications or carry hospital equipment. I do often carry herbal remedies which you are welcome to use as needed. Though I will recommend you purchase a few on your own.
- Share your personal information with anyone, ever.
- Share photos from your birth without permission.
AquaDoula Professional Tub Rental: $250
This pool contains its own heating element which will help keep the water at desired temperature. Rental includes padded floor and thermal cover on top. You will be provided with all of the necessary information regarding how to use the tub properly and what other supplies are needed for a water birth. Renter is responsible for buying and/or using recommended liner/cover. Pool will be inspected after rental, damages will be billed accordingly if applicable. Rental includes delivery and pick-up. Available currently for NJ birth clients only.
Placenta Services:
Placenta Smoothie Cubes: Free
Placenta Capsules: $200 for clients
Custom Tincture: $20
Just so you know:
-normal birth is not a medical event. I am not a medical professional.
-I will do my very best to provide loving support and care while you birth your baby.
-your rights and autonomy should never be ignored.
-enlighten and enrich your intuition and parental instincts with education, communication, and faith.
-happy, safe, healthy birthing is always the goal.
Payments may be made electronically through any popular payment system such as zelle, venmo, check by mail, or cash. Military & Repeat Client Discounts available!