Just wanted to give a much deserved shout out to our doula, Jill. Not only is she an amazing doula but she is an amazing person and friend! When you hire her, you get more care and compassion than you could have ever dreamed of. She doesn’t just do her job but she goes above and beyond to make sure you have the best pregnancy and birth. We are so incredibly thankful for her and we are extremely thankful God placed her in our lives to safely birth our first and now our second baby
I highly recommend Jill! I’m an experienced home birther, but pregnant with Mono- di identical TWIN boys during the pandemic was an anxiety ridden time and Jill’s key reminders of my own power at just the right times brought me back to reality and gave me the boost of confidence in myself to have my most amazing home birth(s) yet! My family was very supportive to the idea, but for me, fear of what could go wrong was setting in. I started getting tons of pressure from all the fetal medicine doctors and specialists associated with the hospital and I knew in my heart, birthing on that table in the hospital with only 1 family member present and their ‘team’ of doctors and people was just not going to work for me. I couldn’t afford for a midwife to come to my home, then someone recommended Jill. She was so vibrant, reassuring, and impressively knowledgeable from our very first conversation. Speaking with her just once helped me turn my whole vision around to a homebirth for these beautiful babies too! I was very far along already and basically panicking. Jill helped me trust myself and my own knowledge to stay present and start preparing for the home water birth of my dreams with my family. Even if you’ve never home birthed before, don’t worry! Call Jill. She is going to help you to help yourself. It’s natural and if you just relax and let your body open up, it will push the baby out. Every legit concern I had, she helped me face it and figure it out. She has an extended team of amazing women she can turn to for guidance and support, so she has resources. She shared some very key birthing videos with me when I couldn’t find any and they were very helpful and inspiring. Not to mention her H.E.R.B.A.L. training information that was spot on. She is very professional and friendly. She is non pressuring, and I was able to communicate with her anytime. Thank you Jill! Our twins are amazing, healthy, strong, and were born perfectly in warm water only 7 minutes apart. My husband and daughters were the most amazing support and the entire experience was pure magic and love and I’m tearing up as I write what a blessing it has been and always will be.
Jessica (again!)

Tatev & Chris

Thank you for being there for me and with me. You were great. I couldn’t have made the better choice.
What a wild ride! Ladies while I’m here I just want to say you and your baby and your entire family are in the very best hands with Jill!!! She encouraged me to listen to my body and do whatever I needed to feel comfortable and really take charge of my birth! Even if it was a little unconventional Thanks for being the best
And one more thing— I caught all of our other babies and I am SO HAPPY Jill encouraged my husband to catch this one! Even though he was totally grossed out he’s so happy he did
so guys— go for it! You won’t regret it!!
Ashley & Adam
Ashley’s story:
4th pregnancy- I hid this pregnancy the first four months (or at least thought I was hiding it🤣) Once I finally fully accepted that this is happening I’m having a fourth baby and I have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. I devoted the remainder of my pregnancy into making sure I did everything I could do to avoid the knife a fourth time. Google had been my best friend the last 4 years and all I did was research different stories and studies on VBAC’s. I compared all my births took note of everything that went wrong and what I know for sure I can do differently this time. The first step was telling my doctor NO!!! I am not and will not agree to an elective cesarean, I’m going to try a VBAC. Ladies, I know these doctors have degrees, they have policies and they have convincing words and tones. But I’m here to tell you it is your body and your choice ultimately EVERYTIME! As long as you have been properly informed and your pregnancy is low risk you are free to make whatever choice you think is best for YOU. The doctor tried to talk me out it at every appt even scheduled me for a repeat cesarean anyway lol I never showed up though🤷🏻♀️😉. So now that my OB knows he can’t change my mind at this point he’s out of my way (that was the easy part). Now I also need to make sure my body is prepared as possible so I hired a maternal chiropractor who did weekly home visits to make sure my pelvis was properly aligned. I also hired a doula Jill she did an amazing job assisting me with my birth. It’s Friday, 2 days before my due date and I ask my doctor for a membrane sweep. He is surprised to see that I am already 2cm and 50% effaced, major difference from the week prior. I went to a wedding that night I was cramping badly and having much stronger Braxton Hicks. I kept it to myself didn’t want to freak everyone out or ruin the night in anyway. The next morning I started to expel the “bloody show” and noticed my contractions had started. I texted my doula and she told me she would come over once things started to pick up some more. She arrived at my house at about 3pm. I labored in my room with her for 4 hours, tossing and turning, switching to different positions, showering, cold rags and her consistent affirmations constantly reminding me that I CAN do this! Once I started to reach my breaking point (transition phase) she suggested we head to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital at 7:00pm we immediately informed the nurses that I was doing a VBAC. After reviewing my chart they seen I had previous cesareans and wanted me to sign for a cesarean. I DECLINED. A midwife did a cervical exam and I was 9cm 100% effaced!!! I wanted to quit again so bad it took everything in me to say no when I was offered the epidural. Instead I just smiled on the inside and said nope not this time! While in the hospital I labored mostly in the standing position rocking from side to side until I got tired. After laying down to rest a little I started to feel pressure and began silently pushing against my will. My midwife encouraged that I go into the restroom with my boyfriend and sit on the toilet, I never made it. At 7:52pm, as soon as I stood up my water broke💦 I was speechless I had never experienced a spontaneous rupture before. I pushed for a couple minutes in the kneeling position (I found that to be the most comfortable). Things happened so fast and in the midst of it all the nurses lost the baby’s heartbeat, they went into panic mode and had me switch to a “better” position. I pushed for about 5 more minutes laying on my left side. And then it happened!!! My lovely daughter Star💫 was born VAGINALLY weighing 8lbs 7.7oz💜 VBA3C!
Michelle & Justin
Michelle’s Review:
I honestly cannot say enough good things about Jill and Kristina! When I decided to have a vba4c, I knew that I (and also my partner) would need extra support throughout my labor and birth and they both went so far above and beyond our expectations. You won’t find more caring, knowledgeable, and supportive women. I will always be so grateful.
Cazjmere & Mike
Cazjmere’s Review:
Like most expectant mothers, at the time, I had specific plans of how I wanted my birthing experience to unravel. No complications, stay at home to labor as long as possible, shave every hair on my body, get a pedicure, etc. Long story short, that vision did not include a pandemic.
Once the news broke that our country was going on lockdown, all expectant mothers, including myself, exploded! Depending on the state, most hospitals were limiting birthing partners to one or none in the delivery room, which means, doulas were not permitted to be in company of expectant mother.
After having a Zoom call with my doula, Jill, I was able to weigh my options. Jill was still of support at 100% for myself and my partner. Despite COVID-19, Jill had made it known that if I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible she was willing to come to my home using safety precautions. Jill offered her virtual support as well for my labor at the hospital. Jill also had made herself available to my partner in case he had any questions. To say the least, Jill made herself available 24/7 at any measure.
I still remember my easy- going birth experience like it was yesterday. With resources and tools from Jill, I was able to create my birth plan online. Jill wanted to be sure, that even though she couldn’t be at the hospital physically, my needs were still met. Jill had brought over a care package to my house that included a birthing ball, chapstick, cooling/ heated pads, and other goodies. She also reminded me of things I needed to pack for myself and for baby. I went into labor around midnight on a Monday. Jill was there from the time of my first contraction until baby came. I chose to stay in contact via text. She was able to send me links and pictures on different positions to try to make sure baby was in correct position to help ease my birthing experience. Judging by the “gross” pictures I sent Jill haha, she was able to tell me about my mucous plug, my water breaking, and whether or not it was time for me to go to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital and was explaining how pushy the nurses may have been with trying to convince me to take Pitocin and then an epidural Jill was able to remind me it was my right to voice my decision on not wanting those meds. I ran into a small bump in the road during my laboring process, baby wasn’t in ready position for me to push. Jill immediately sent me pictures and links and detailed instructions on things to do to get ready for the major part, pushing! sure enough, within the next few hours, I was ready and out came my healthy little girl!
Jill was very encoring by reminding me of how proud she was and how great of a job I was doing. Jill was extremely encouraging throughout my entire process! I couldn’t have done it without her!
Anne & Jordan
Anne’s Review:
Writing this review as I reach my 6 week postpartum benchmark and I’m still marveling at the wonderful birth experience I had, which I am convinced was mostly possible because of my amazing doula, Jill. She gave my husband and I so many resources to help us feel prepared as well as answering the numerous questions we frequently contacted her with leading up to the delivery. I felt like she was really listening to us and addressing all of our concerns instead of just telling us what we wanted to hear. We ended up having a freebirth (2vbac) at home and her presence gave the atmosphere a relaxed calm that was especially crucial for my husband and I. Her gentle but firm suggestions and coaching through transition were exactly what I needed to get me through it all and I will be forever grateful for her dedication to her work and her clients. Jill went well above and beyond what I had even anticipated. If you are wondering whether or not to hire a doula, just stop thinking about it and hire her. She is truly amazing and I guarantee you won’t regret it!
Laura & Kirk
Laura’s Review:
I had a wonderful life-changing vbac birth experience and am so happy that I had the patient support and the calming presence of Jill as my doula! She reminded me during labor to breathe and to wait for my body’s urges. Not only was she there for Emelia’s entrance but she was also always available during my pregnancy for any questions and/or concerns. She offered a reassuring and positive voice at all times. Her bath bombs, teas, balms, and postpartum healing pads were appreciated and worked wonders.
The nurses at the hospital loved Jill’s creative and thoughtful thank you gifts! I would highly recommend Jill to anyone in search of a doula to come alongside them during their pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum.
I got my unmedicated natural VBAC!!!!
Brianna & Aaron
Brianna’s Review:
Jill was absolutely amazing in helping me with my first birth, at home, with no midwife. She was cool, calm, collected and filled with knowledge! Her placenta art was extra special and I highly recommend her for anyone looking for a fabulous birth assistant! Thanks again for everything Jill! Great Job Freedom Birth Services!!!!
Emily & Javier
Emily’s Review:
I had 2 very unnecessary cesareans for “small pelvis” my second being a trial of labor that ended abruptly due to lack of education on my part.
With my third and last I was determined to have a completely different experience and have a freebirth in the water. I did MONTHS of research while following personal stories. I prepared my self for all situations even a repeat cesarean if needed (but determined that if this was going to be the case it would be on MY terms).
I kept my due date & my plans a secret the whole time because I didn’t want to hear any of the uneducated opinions on how my birth should be and being fear mongered over 1-2% statistics of any undesirable situation happening. I decided to look at the 98% chance of nothing bad happening because guess what….
Birth becomes a medical emergency when intervened. So because of that I decided to let my body take control and do what it had to do.
I did my research, hired my doula friends Jill & Kristina and set up my birth the way I wanted to with my husbands support .
I was “due” May 27th, 2020
May 31st: started having light contractions very spaced apart as well as losing mucous plug. They stopped that night.
June 1st: woken up by a strong contraction at 2 am and they stayed consistent and grew in intensity. I knew it was go time. Everyone came over, everything set up, and the waiting game began.
June 2nd-June 5th: still in labor with contractions 2-5minutes apart 1 minute long with wonderful breaks that my body granted me everyday from 3pm-9pm slowing down to a contraction every hour giving me enough time to rest. Lost my bloody show and the rest of my plug, lost my mind and cried a few times but had my best friend/ doula friends/ and husband reminding me that I was doing amazing and that my body knew what it was doing.
June 5th: I started to wonder why it was taking so long. The contractions were intense, I had jumped into the birth pool every day for relief. I decided to go to the hospital to get checked. I was 6cm! I couldn’t believe I made it that far with no interventions since my last two births I was drowned in pitocin and made to believe my body couldn’t do what it was made to do. I signed an AMA against all the doctors wishes for me to stay and went back home after getting tested for COVID just in case I had to come back. I was told that if I tested positive that they recommend infant isolation for 2 WEEKS meaning you go home and baby stays. I declined. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Baby stays with mama.
June 6th: wake up to feeling abnormal pain in between contractions which in my research is a sign for concern. We decide to transfer to hospital when I start feeling pushing sensations with each contraction. Since I tested “+” from the day before we were put in isolation ( fast track to a couple days after, turns out I was negative the whole time… where the confusion came from? I will never know) and let’s just say me and my husband were treated very poorly at Inspira Vineland. I was denied the basic ice chips in labor and was told that since the on call doctor “didn’t believe in vbacs, she would not help me in any way” even though when I was last checked I was at 7.5/8cm and stretchy, almost fully effaced and baby moved down to -1 station. I labored there for about 3 hours with my body pushing involuntarily with each contraction and even had my water break on its own! We were getting there! But for some reason I was still having abnormal pains in between contractions that made it seem like I was having never ending contractions and I wasn’t feeling baby move as much as before, so I decided to listen to my body and consent to a repeat cesarean. ( my Poor husband was not allowed in the room because I tested “+” but luckily my wonderful nurse Zully face timed him and he was able to see our baby boy)
Turns out my body wasn’t broken and it knew what it was doing! Baby had other plans and was trying to be special and come out FACE first which was putting extra pressure on my previous scar. He was also a BIG BOY! A whopping 9lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. Daddy’s birthday present. My biggest baby that I made it the farthest I’ve ever had in labor. “Pelvis is too small” they said or maybe they were just to impatient? Maybe I could have held out and had my vbac after 2 cesareans but maybe the pressure being put on my scar would have been too much. That was something I was NOT comfortable finding out. So I am content with MY decision.
An empowering birth is not always a vaginal/natural/unmedicated one. An empowering birth is one that you lead with knowledge and confidence although I was upset I didn’t get the big moment I was looking for, I did get to experience new things such as FER, spontaneous water breaking, Natural contractions, no epidural, the famous transition where you feel nauseas and start shivering, and most importantly an experience that brought me and my Javier closer together in a more intimate and vulnerable way it was a beautiful experience and I wouldn’t replace any part of it.
I am a full believer in home birth and it’s powers to change your perspective and would recommend it 100% of the time: ask my husband LETS CHANGE THE NARRATIVE and go back to what God intended for us.
Javier’s Review:
I’m gonna start by saying that Jill and Kristina are a force NOT to be reckoned with!! Their encouragement, compassion, and dedication are inevitable like no other!
Furthermore these lionesses gave me a lifetime experience that I wish to relive but it shall only be a memory now since I am fixed now. I learned SOOOO much from them including how a woman’s body work through pregnancy/labors, showing me the light of how unfair the institutions (hospitals) are towards birthing/Vbac mothers, HOW TO KNUCKLE UP, and how to be a voice for my wife during tough times when “DR” try to use scare tactics just to CUT YOU OPEN.
Although our experience didn’t ended like we planned. A piece of that stuck with me and taught me now how to speak up and encourage new mothers about their RIGHTS, and the beautiful gift of breastfeeding (yes I let my kids eat in public and I’m proud of her).
These woman are a powerhouse and I highly recommend all father to listen because the misconception of birthing thrives deep in our cultures and the hospitals are benefiting a lot off our women and babies.
You’re absolutely correct when you said this event was good healing. While I’m home with my kids balling my eyes out in the room. This baby taught me how “out of touch” I have been with my wife. This whole experience made me realized how important she is to me and our family. It took out every emotion and rage out of me on what I felt about her and it really humbled me.
Even though I can’t have anymore kids I sure as hell fight for others that ain’t mine!
Love you girls THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!
Jessica’s Review:
I’m a FTM had my baby girl Friday, which btw was the exact date I predicted I would have her (ask around- people probably thought I was nuts but now maybe they think I’m psychic). I was fortunate enough to have Jill by my side. I can honestly say having a doula was the best decision we could’ve made. Having her made me comfortable to labor at home until my contractions were minutes apart (luckily we live right near the hospital as well). Once at the hospital she ensured my plan was followed. I went to the hospital at 9:15am and because of her techniques and knowledge I had my baby girl at 11:43am. She encouraged me to follow my plan laboring naturally. Ladies all I can say is trust your body. I think the nurses actually laughed at me when I told them as I was standing in the shower that she was coming but I was right! The midwife and delivery nurses I had were wonderful! My only negative was one pushy breastfeeding nurse that almost damaged me completely. Frustrated and sad I told Jill and she immediately came over. In 2 hours we had my breastfeeding issues fixed and now we are in business! I am forever thankful for her and now I’m relaxed and happier which is what’s best for me and my babe!
I am so thankful I made the decision to hire a doula. Because of this amazing woman, my daughter got the best and healthiest start in life I could possibly offer her! I couldn’t have done it without you Jill- no IVs, no meds, no interventions, a warm shower, a super quick and easy birth, immediate skin to skin and nursing, delayed cord clamping (that cord was white!!!!), and no poisons! All thanks to her continuous reminder to stick to my guns about what I want- and maybe a little graham crackers, water, and massaging didn’t hurt either. We got some super cool souvenirs that day! And the nurses were shocked how made for this my body was for a first timer ! ladies trust your bodies and what they were made to do! Biggest accomplishment of my life and I am so proud to have it all turned out the way I wanted. I am one of the lucky ones for sure and I know that and am so very thankful.
Melissa & John
Melissa’s Review:
I came to know about doulas very late in my pregnancy at my childbirth class. I ended up hiring Jill on week 37 of my pregnancy and she was very accommodating considering it was last minute . Within a couple minutes of meeting Jill for the first time, my husband and I felt very comfortable with her and she seemed really professional and caring. She answered every question that I had and educated me on things I did not know during our first meeting. Five days later, I went into labor, but in between those 5 days I had more questions and was worrying about different symptoms I was having. Jill was constantly available, knowledgeable, and comforting during all this. The night I went into labor, I called Jill at 1:50am and she answered right away, helping me assess if it was time to go to the hospital or if I should stay at home longer and be comfortable laboring there. By timing how long and how many contractions I was having along with how I could talk through them (or not talk through them ), she advised
that I go to the hospital. When Jill arrived to the Hospital, she worked very well with my husband to keep me as comfortable as possible. Jill advocated on my behalf by asking questions for me so I could have informed consent on various things the nurses were offering me. She took pictures that my husband and I would have never been able to take, making our birth experience so memorable!! Jill remembered to keep me hydrated before and after the birth. My husband was so thankful for Jill’s help during the birthing experience (they worked great as a team!). Our postnatal visit with Jill was very helpful as well. She came to our house and brought us breakfast and a gift for the baby! She helped me with breastfeeding and also checked the baby’s diaper rash. If you’re looking for a knowledgeable and caring Doula who is truly passionate about what she does, then I highly recommend Jill!
Dasha & Denis
Dasha’s Review:
Jill and Kristina are an amazing team! I’m so happy I have found them!
first I was thinking of giving birth at home with a midwife but a couple of centers I called said they don’t travel to Mays landing, NJ. I was very upset and then I found Jill on Facebook. Sent her a message and received a reply so warm and friendly and immediately felt at ease with her. She also gave me suggestions where to look for information on homebirth and I was astonished at how competent she was in the topic of birth. She had a question to every single answer I had and she never made me feel stupid if I asked something obvious.
When it was time for Jill to come over to my home and discuss the upcoming birth and she asked if she could have Kristina over. The girls came together and I felt like we had been friends forever. Kristina is very easy going and knowledgeable.
This was my second pregnancy and labor was so far from my first experience as it could have been. When early signs of labor appeared i was on the phone with Jill and she told me what was happening was normal. When I asked her to come over she and Kristina came in 20 minutes. The time they were near and supported me, reassuring that everything was going great and quietly giving directions was just what I needed. After the baby was born they helped my husband clean up and took a look at my bleeding and my baby and left. The next day Kristina came over and we weighed the baby and talked about the experience which was really necessary and needed.
I can’t recommend this team enough. If you want all the support in the world, be sure to hire these amazing doulas! I mean you should probably hire them just to have their energy around when you give birth!