This was the birth where I decided I no longer desired to waste any time with providers who made me feel like shit. Who’d have me leaving appointments crying over the insane rules they expected me to follow. The fact that they expected me to accept anything less than what I wanted and needed was bullshit! For what? THEIR paycheck? THEIR liability insurance? THEIR reputation? F that.
Do you understand how much trauma has been endured within those labor rooms? How many women were made to feel they were broken because their bodies wouldn’t react “appropriately” and “fast enough” to their needless and harmful interventions? F that.
You want to eat and drink. They will starve you.
You want to push in any position. They will get you on your back some way somehow.
You want delayed cord clamping. They will say 60 seconds is plenty enough.
You want to avoid or delay sho+s. They will hound you.
They do NOT own your body, your pregnancy, your birth, your baby. YOU DO.
Women are choosing home birth more and more these days. We’re not crazy. We’re safe.
It’s time to unlearn some things. And learn a new(old) way of birthing.
If you want to start planning your dream home birth, you know where to find me!
$350 deposit will begin your journey. You’ll be invited to our private facebook group and start connecting with others just like you! You’ll gain access to a ton of knowledge and you will learn how to tap into your intuition, release fear, and be led down a path to a humble & healing birth.