Freedom Birth & Wellness has a deep passion for supporting and empowering women to birth the way they want at home!
Together, we will embrace your inner strength, turning fear and pain into courage and power.

From unnecessary cesarean, to hospital vbac on my feet, to intentional unassisted vbac in my living room, I have personally experienced it all. Along with my many clients births attended, I have the dedication, wisdom, and confidence to guide you through your pregnancy and birth journey and help create lasting positive memories.
Offering home labor and home birth support options, childbirth and parenting education, placenta services, guidance and more!
I’ve seen far too many women birthing on their backs in fear in the past, and found that home is really where birth belongs for most people.
So if an undisturbed, physiologic birth is what you’re hoping for.. congratulations! You found me!

(Jill with Desirae Miller of The Pennsylvania Midwives)