Home Birth Supply List
Most supplies can be purchased via Walmart, Amazon, and inhishands.com
General Items
Clean towels and washcloths
Mattress protector(s)
Extra set of sheets
Shower curtain or plastic sheet for waterproofing bed
(Many families will layer their bed with fresh sheets underneath so once the top layer is soiled you simply remove and the bed is readily made underneath)
1-2 packs of 23×36 or larger Underpads (also known as chux pads)
40 or more non-latex gloves (size medium or large)
Bowl for placenta. Metal/Glass/Ceramic
Sterile scissors (Does not have to be umbilical scissors. Can even be scissors from home, boiled) example: walmart inhishands.com
Hydrogen Peroxide Spray
1-2 large trash bags
Water Birth
Birth Pool
Water Pump to drain
Air pump (if pool is inflatable)
Extension cord (if needed)
Drinking Hose (either 25,50,100 feet long MUST say DRINKING hose and must be brand new) walmart
Hose Adapter (depending on what water source you will use)
Floor protection (Plastic Tarp/Shower Curtain/Canvas Drop Cloth/Flannel lined tablecloth/ect)
Water Birth Extras
Fish net
Fairy lights (+ power bank if they’re USB)
Large pots for boiling water if water heater can’t keep up
For Baby
Cord clamps/cord ties/floss/thread
Lotus birth: salts and herbs
Newborn diaper
Receiving blankets
Commemorative Birth Certificate and ink pad
For Mom
Adult diapers
Heavier Flow XL Long pads (I like these)
Peri Bottle
Sitz Bath herbs
Nipple butter or balm
Witch Hazel
Nursing Pillow
AfterEase tincture by Wishgarden
Arnica or Magnesium oil/lotion for muscle aches
Healing tears:
Roasted seaweed sheets (not salted or flavored)
Manuka Honey
Calendula flowers to steam over
Sitz bath herbs
Herbal Tinctures:
Motherwort – Can help during hemorrhage before or after the placenta is birthed, and also can offer an amazing pick-me-up for a tired mom during labor!
Angelica – Aids in reducing postpartum bleeding before or after placenta is birthed. This herb will help induce contractions in order to shrink the uterus and expel the placenta.
*Shepherd’s Purse
*Wombstringe tincture by Wishgarden
*do not use until placenta has been passed.