Freedom Birth & Wellness’s Birth Bus mission is still in the development stage. It’s primary focus for the time being is a mobile suite for myself and children to be able to travel to our clients homes, and have a private place to stay or sleep nearby. I have been to quite a few labors that have taken numerous days, numerous trips back and forth, and with that- childcare can be a royal pain in the a**. However with an actual place to stay, possibly right in a clients driveway, I can stay close and on-call, ready to go within minutes.

The future plan: a mobile labor suite for those who do not have a safe or adequate birthing space. Whether homeless, living with toxic or unsupportive family, living in a home not suitable for birth, I want to have this Birth Bus available to them if needed.
This may also one day act as a mobile labor suite, encouraging families to labor longer outside of the hospital with trusted, experienced assistance.
The Birth Bus will have a full kitchen, Queen Bed, optional twin bed, sitting area with table, bathroom + shower, plus ample space under an awning to set up a birth pool to labor in (if location allows). This Bus will have appropriate ammentities to help families have a confortable, birth-positive stay. Including all supplies necessary for labor. I have experience working with tiny spaces and making the most out of it. I cannot wait to share with you its transformation!